first name and last name:

Rahman Ansari

Last educational certificate:

Master of Public Administration

Summary of scientific, specialized and research records

Educational and specialized degrees:

education degree Major The name of the institution of study Country of education year of receipt
Masters Economy Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran Iran 1374
Master's degree industrial engineering Mazandaran University Iran 1380
Master's degree governmental management Gilan University Iran 1384
Summary of scientific, specialized and research records

Conferences and international articles have been registered:

H. Ansari , R.Ansari, ” Transportation Management and Its Effect on the Economy of Iran”. Conf. on Social Sciences , Rasht, Iran, Jun. 2014

Summary of scientific, specialized and research records

Teaching Experience:

Lecturer in the management department of Islamic Azad University, Rasht and Langrood branch (February 2018 until now)

Summary of scientific, specialized and research records

work experience:

  • Director General of Technical and Professional Organization of Gilan Province (June 1360 to December 1362).
  • Mayor of the cities of Amol, Ramsar, Qom, Bandranzli, Qazvin, Langrod and Rasht.
  • Managing director and member of the board of directors of the industry group of the National Organization of Iranian Industries (Wen shoe, hemp, cover and chukka factories).
  •  Manager and representative of Sepeh Construction Investment Company in Gilan province projects.
Summary of scientific, specialized and research records

Outstanding management activities:

  • Compilation of the plan and integration of parallel organizations of the fund and internship center and technical and professional centers affiliated to the Ministry of Labor under the title of technical and professional organization and the creation of on-the-job training centers for factories and workshop centers in Gilan province.
  • Forming the first technical research and training center for innovators and inventors in the north of the country.
  • Creation of mobile centers and decentralization of training centers at the level of different parts of the cities.
Summary of scientific, specialized and research records

Prominent measures of urban management:

  • Drafting the statutes and forming the first municipal civil organization using Article 84 of the Municipalities Law.
  • Providing a plan for self-sufficiency and financial independence of the municipality.
  • The initiator of the presentation and implementation of the G I S plan in the municipality.
  • Implementation of the renovation and renovation project around the shrine of Hazrat Masoumeh (pbuh) in Qom city.
  • Initiator and executor of the project of Sanof Mozam town in the municipality.
  • Construction and operation of the first waste recycling and composting institute.
  • Executor of the first training plan while working and job evaluation and privatization plan of the urban management organization.